I've changed my mind. The story. At first I like the first chart pattern really really much. I want to knit gloves using it. Then I started to have doubts. It seemed so dense, not at all like lacy scarf. Well, the second chart was more than lovely and the third one followed in the same amazing route. Blocking changed everything - the whole scarf is fantastic, I do like it, even though I still think the first pattern chart is too dense for lace.
Päättelemiseen meni tunti, vain, mutta tämä onkin pienennetty versio. Kaksinkertaisella langalla, joten vain viisi mallikertaa tuota keskimmäistä mallineuletta. Lanka olisi loppujen lopuksi riittänyt ainakin yhteen vielä, mutta lahjan saaja ei ole varreltaan edes minun mittaiseni, joten tämä huivi on taatusti iso. Toivottavasti ei liian iso...
Casting off took only an hour, this a smaller version. I used the yarn doubled, so only five repeats of the star chart. Eventually, there would have been enough yarn for one more repeat, but the person who'll be getting this one as a birthday present isn't even as tall as I, so this will be big. Hopefully not too big...
Keräsin äsken kaiken rohkeuteni. Vilkuilin ensin ikkunasta, sitten vielä varmuuden vuoksi ovelta kaikkiin mahdollisiin suuntiin. Ja ryntäsin kuvaamaan ETUpihalle. Ketään ei näkynyt. Paitsi yksi naapuri. Mutta ehkäpä en menettänyt loppuja maineeni rippeitä, koska tämä naapuri sattuu myös olemaan neuloja ;)
A moment ago I gather all my courage. At first I looked out of the window, then - just to make sure - from the door too. No one in sight. And then I rushed outside to take some photos at the FRONT yard. No one. Except one neighbour. But maybe I still didn't lose all the remains of my reputation as this neighbour happens to be a knitter too ;)
Malli: Laminaria
Lanka: Silvia 174 g
Puikot: Knitpicksit 4 mm (Pitkä kaapeli on taivaallinen!)
Pattern: Laminaria
Yarn: Silvia 174 g
Needles: Knitpicks 4 mm (The long cable is divine!)