In this first and in the second picture the colour is closest to reality.

Malli: Medallion Capelet, Vogue Knitting winter 2007/2008
Lanka: Sirdar Snuggly Baby Bamboo, 329 g (kaksinkertaisena)
Puikot: 5 mm sukkikset (Metallia, yöks, mutten parempaakaan keksinyt tähän hätään.) ja 5,5 mm Knitpicks pyörö
Pattern: Medallion Capelet, Vogue Knitting winter 2007/2008
Yarn: Sirdar Snuggly Baby Bamboo, 329 g (doubled)
Needles: 5 mm dpns (Metallic, blaah, as I couldn't think of anything else.) and 5,5 mm Knitpicks circular

Quick, easy, fascinating at the beginning. Funny to wear, this leaves the backs of the arms bare, which is nice in a hot weather, but the tightish collar isn't nice in hot weather... But the colour is beautiful and the yarn extremely nice to knit and comfy to wear.
Ohjeessa saumat (vain kaksi ja nekin lyhyitä) virkattiin. Tein niin eilen illalla sekä oikealta että nurjalta puolelta, enkä tykännyt kummankaan jäljestä. Niinpä turvauduin taas tuttuun ja turvalliseen kolmen puikon päättelyyn. Lopputulos loistava!
In the pattern the seams (only two of them and short ones) were crocheted. I did so last night trying both wrong and right sides - didn't like the result at all. So, once again I used the three needle bind off. The result is sooooo tidy and beautiful!